Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Gue aslik cinta cinta cinta banget sama produk yang satu ini. Atau bisa dibilang saat ini gue bergantung ke produk ini deh.
Berhubung usia udah 35+ taonan.. yang gue hadapin sekarang ini adalah kerutan2 dan juga kulit wajah yang menggelap. Ya karena pigmentasi.. Ya karena sinar matahari. Yang pasti dulu itu kulit gw lebih putih dari sekarang. Jadi akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk pake produk whitening ini dan akan gue review..

Gimana gue nggak suka sama kemasan produk ini. Kemasannya itu ringan dan langsing gitu. Jadi kita bisa bawa-bawa kemana aja. Apalagi kalo lagi travelling. Aslik ringan dan ringkes banget. Dan karena bentuknya bukan beruba botol dimana kita harus masukin jari kita untuk ambil produknya, jadi kemasan tube kayak gini bikin jadi lebih higienis kalo menurut gue.

Kekuatan Produk
Ini adalah produk yang tepat banget kalo emang loe mau ngelawan 2 hal: kerutan dan kulit yang menggelap. Karena produk ini punya 2 kekuatan, yaitu:

SMART WHITENING COMPLEX yang akan merangsang kulit kita untuk menghasilkan melanin yang lebih banyak. Melanin inilah yang berfungsi untuk meratakan warna kulit dan bikin kulit wajah kita lebih cerah.

TRI PEPTIDE ini adalah kunci untuk melawan kerutan di wajah karena Tri Peptide akan mengisi kerutan dari lapisan kulit wajah dan mengurangi kerutan dari sisi panjang, dalam dan lebarnya.

SPF 30 adalah pelindung wajah kita untuk berhadapan dengan UVA dan UVB dari sinar matahari yang nggak asik banget.. yang bisa menyebabkan penuaan kulit.

Dan akhirnya jeng-jeng sekalian.... kita bisa dadah-dadah menyambut kulit wajah yang lebih muda, lebih cerah dan lebih sehat!

Sebetulnya sik, produk ini dikhususkan untuk wanita usia 35 tahunan. TAPI...
Kalau loe umurnya dibawah 35thn dan udah punya masalah kulit seperti usia 35thn (kerutan, kulit menggelap), loe bisa kok pake produk ini. Artinya usia loe emang belum 35thn, tapi usia kulitnya udah sama kayak usia 35thn.

Dan ini juga untuk semua jenis kulit yaa, termasuk jenis kulit yang sangat amat berminyak kayak gue. Bener-bener nggak berasa lengket di kulit wajah pas pake produk ini.

Singkat kata singkat cerita, pokoknya gue cinta sangat sama produk ini sekarang ini. Kalau mau liat review yang lain dalam bentuk video, silahkeuun diklik video reviewnya di bawah ini yaaa..

Review: Oriflame Ecollagen [3D+] Whitening Anti-Wrinkle SPF 30

I love love love this product at the moment. Or maybe I can say that I depend on this product :P
Being a 35+ years old woman, I'm dealing with wrinkles and skin which getting darker because of pigmentation, and also from the sunlight. I used to have a fair skin but it was long gone. So I decided to use this product and give you my review..

How could I not love the packaging, people. It's so light and slim. You can bring it everywhere you want if you want to without feeling it. It's more hygienics because we don't have to dip our finger to the product.

Product Power
This is the perfect product if you want to combat 2 things: wrinkle and dark skin. It has 3 powers:

SMART WHITENING COMPLEX which will stimulate our skin to produce more and more melanin. The so nice melanin will help our skin to be more evening and fairer.

TRI PEPTIDE this is the key to kick away wrinkles because it will pump the wrinkles from within   in length, depth and width.

SPF 30 is our shield to face the naughty UVA and UVB which will cause ageing.

And ladies, you can say hi to a younger and healthier skin finally!!

Basically, it's for women in the age group of 35+. BUT...
if you're below 35 and you're having those problems for 35+ (wrinkles , darker/uneven skin) you can use this product too.

It's for all skin type, even for me with very oily skin. I don't feel any stickiness after applied it.

The normal price is Rp269,000 for 40ml which will last for 2 months to me.

But sometimes Oriflame has discount program every month. You can check it to Oriflame member near you.

Well, long story short.. I would say that I love love love this product. If you want to see another version of review, please check the video review I made for this lil buddy.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Review & Cara Pakai; Oriflame Studio Artist Gel Eyeliner

Teman baru cilik ini harus dimiliki oleh semua muslimah niy.
Pokoknya gw akan kasih tau kenapanya entar yaaa.. di dalam postingan ini. Jadi monggo dibaca tuntas sampek bawah yaa men-temen.. :D
Sebetulnya ini bukan eyeliner gel pertama keluaran Oriflame. Kira2 2 tahunan yang lalu, Oriflame juga pernah meluncurkan eyeliner gel pertama mereka dibawah label Giordani Gold. Tapi kalo menurut gue, eyeliner gel itu bisa dikategorikan sebagai gagal produk. Tekstur eyelinernya terlalu kering, terus kalo kita aplikasiin di kelopak mata, warnanya nggak keluar walaupun udah diurek-urek.

Akhirnya Oriflame ngeluncurin lagi eyeliner gel dengan formula baru. Dan udah nggak dibawah Giordani Gold label lagi, tapi Oriflame Studio Artist (kode: 26531, harga normal: Rp99,000). Tekstur produknya tuh lembut banget, gampang diaplikasiin dan warna hitamnya nyata… plus.. tahan lama pula. Dibilanginnya sik katanya bisa tahan sampek 24 jam. Tapi.. setelah berkali-kali gue pake, kalau di kulit gue yang teramat sangat ampun berminyaknya, palingan cuman bisa tahan sekitar 18-20 jam gitu deh.

Kemasannya pake botol gelas yang kucil (kayak yang di foto itu yak), dan udah termasuk kuas yang kucilnya ampun-ampunan (kalo buat gue). Kalo di gue sik, gue nggak make kuasnya, karena kan jari-jemari gue kan raksasa banget yaa kawan-kawan. Tapi kalo loe jari2nya langsing sik, kuas ini bisa dipake.. bulu2nya soalnya alus dan tipis banget. Jadinya sangat bagus kalo mau ngegambar eyeliner.

Warna hitamnya itu nggak hitam pekat yaa sodara-sodara. Tapi kalo loe mau dapetin warna yang item banget, bisa kok dengan cara loe tambahin lagi aja selapis dua lapis lagi.

Ini adalah produk makeup yang wajib dimiliki semua muslimah. Kenapokah?
Karena… ini kayaknya satu-satunya eyeliner gel yang NGGAK WATERPROOF di Indonesia. Artinya.. muslimah bisa pakai eyeliner gel ini tiap hari. Walaupun kita lagi nggak haid.

Nggak banyak muslimah yang tau bahwa makeup yang waterproof itu nggak boleh dipakai kalau kita lagi nggak haid. Kenapokah? Ya karena itu makeup nantinya bakal menutupi kulit wajah kita dari air wudhu. Tapi kita boleh kok pake produk makeup yang waterproof kalo lagi haid.

Dan kalau loe mau tau gimana cara pake eyeliner gel ini, jangan khawatir yaak teman-teman. Karena gue udah sediain video tutorial tentang bagaimana cara pakenya. Sampai bertemu lagi di review gue yang tidak professional selanjutnya yaaa wan-kawan..

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Review & How To Apply: Oriflame Studio Artis Gel Liner

This lil buddy is really a must have for all Moslem Woman..
Am gonna tell you why.. all you have to do is just put your smile and read this post until the end.. Pweaseee.. :)

It's not the first Gel Liner of Oriflame. About 2 years ago, Oriflame has launched their first Gel Liner under Oriflame Giordani Gold. But it was a totally failure I must say. The gel was too dry so it gave you hard time to apply it…

It came back with new formula I believe. It's not under Oriflame Giordani Gold label, but under Oriflame Studio Artist (code: 26531, normal price: Rp99,000). The smooth texture really gives us rich color and long lasting. It was stated that it can endure up to 24 hours. But to my oily skin, it was about 18-20 hours.

It comes in a small glass pot like in the picture, and with a tiny weeny brush applicator. I don't use the brush actually, because I have giant fingers. But for you with 'normal' fingers, you can go ahead with this brush because the bristles is really good. 

It's not the blackest black, but by doing some layering you have the black that you really want ;)

This is a must have item for Moslem Woman. Why?
Because I can say that this is the only gel liner which is not a waterproof product in Indonesia. That means it can be used by moslem woman everyday… every single day.. even when you're not on your period!

Not so many moslem woman knows that we can not use waterproof product onto our face on our daily basis. Because it will cover your skin from wudhu. But we can use it during our period.

You can click here if you want to order this product. You can have cheaper price if you are registered as Oriflame Member. How to be a member? You can contact me for further info.

And if you want to know how to apply it, no worry my friends.. because I have the video tutorial for you.. See you on my next unprofessional review, wonderful readers..

Sunday, December 22, 2013


[Sponsored Post by Ageha Japan Softlens]

Gue adalah tipe orang yang percaya banget bahwa pusat kecantikan wanita adalah ada di mata. Menurut gue mata itu adalah jendela jiwa, hati, mood dan juga otak kita.

Itulah kenapa gue itu selalu fokus untuk mempertegas kecantikan mata tiap kali gue dandan atau ngedandanin seseorang. BOOM! Penampilan langsung berubah abis..

Selain makeup, cara lainnya utk mengubah penampilan yang dramatis adalah ya dengan mengubah warna bola mata kita. Percaya deh, ini udah sakseys neyk banget dikerjain oleh kebanyakan wanita-wanita Asia. Kita udah tau kan yak.. orang Asia itu cuman punya 2 tipe warna bola mata: hitam dan coklat tua. Kalo mata gw warnanya coklat tua. Dan sebagai orang yang demen banget sama perubahan dalam semua hal, punya bola mata yang warnanya selain hitam dan coklat tua selalu ada di pikiran gue. Dan Softlens Berwarna itu adalah penemuan yang paling asoy pokoknya..

Yang dibawah ini bukan foto gue lho yaa.. walopun gue akan nyengir bahagia siikk kalo ada yang mikir ini foto gue.. :P

Ok.. kembali lagi ke… gue!
Gue itu nggak terlalu beruntung kayak cewek-cewek lain yang dengan mudahnya bisa pake softlens berwarna merk apa aja ke mata. Sapa tau ada yang nasipnya sama kayak gw yaa.. karena gue mau sharing jalan keluarnya..

Jadi.. kalo loe punya situasi yang sama kayak gue seperti di bawah ini, silahkan ngangguk yak:

1. Punya asma yang parah -- asma yang parah ini bener-bener mempengaruhi mata gue. Mata gue jadi gampang merah tiap kali kondisi gue lagi nggak bagus, terlalu capek, ada di ruangan yang dingin banget.. Pokoknya gue nggak demen banget deh sama asma gue ini. Titik.

2. Punya mata kering

3. Punya mata sensitif -- Kayaknya ini pengaruh dari asma gue juga niy. Jadi.. gue itu alergi terhadap bahan pewarna yang ada di softlens tertentu. Dan gue itu pernah selama 2 bulan mata gue merah kayak mata setan karena iritasi gegara softlens Korea. Kasian yak gue :(

4. Kepala pusing setelah setengah hari pake kacamata -- dan ini bukan karena kacamatanya salah ukuran lho yaa.. Rasanya tuh kayaknya batang hidung gw mau patah.. terus bebannya itu pindah ke kepala..abis itu pusing deh. Dan itu juga bukan karena frame kacamata gue yang terlalu berat. Gue selalu pake frame yang ringan. Rasa pusing yang tengil itu pokoknya suka muncul aja gituuu

5. Kegiatan seabrek di luar rumah seharian penuh -- kudu lari kesana kemari. Meeting ini itu. Kerjaan emak2 juga kesana kesini. Kudu lompat. Kudu lari. Kudu jejingkrakan. Kudu nungging. Kudu jumpalitan. Dan loe nggak punya waktu deh buat pake softlens biasa yang cuman bisa dipake selama 5 jam.. terus kudu dicopot..

Kalo emang loe punya situasi kayak yg gue sebutin diatas.. bisa doong kita joget-joget hore bareng-bareng yuukk kakaaaakk.. Karenaaaaa… udah ada jalan keluarnya niy dari Ageha Japan Softlens.. Woaseeeeekkkkk…

Loe nggak akan ngerasain ada softlens di mata dengan softlens ini..

Loe nggak akan nakutin anak kecil lagi dengan mata yang merah..
Loe nggak perlu lagi pake screen protector HP yang tipe cermin cuman biar gampang kalo mau ngecek mata loe merah atau nggak (hihihi…itu gue sik yang kayak gitu)
Loe nggap perlu lagi pake obat tetes mata kalo pas pake softlens ini
Nggak usah khawatir lagi kudu beli softlens dalam waktu 6 bulan!!!
Loe bisa beli sepasang softlens dengan ukuran yg beda antara kanan dan kiri

Loe nggak akan ngerasa kayak pake softlens pas pake Ageha Japan Softlens
Menurut pendapat gue yang tidak profesional ini.. kayaknya ini karena softlensnya itu rasanya lembut banget. Lembutnya itu kayak gel gitu deh. Dan ini kayaknya berhubungan dengan bahan dasarnya softlens ini deh. Duh.. gue nggak akan bikin loe pusing dengan nyebutin satu persatu bahan dasarnya softlens ini deh..

Dan bentuknya softlens ini.. kayaknya sempurna banget gitu. Pas dipake rasanya kayak langsung meluk bola mata kita.

Kenapa loe nggak akan nakutin anak kecil lagi dengan mata merah?
Ya karena mata loe nggak akan merah kalo pake softlens ini. Itu pendapat tidak profesional gue sik :P
Ya karena kandungan airnya itu cuman 45%. Makin rendah makin bagus. Artinya softlens ini nggak akan butuh air banyak.. dimana kebutuhan airnya itu diserap dari air mata kita.

Dengan begitu.. mata jadinya nggak kering.
Dengan begitu.. loe nggak akan butuh obat tetes mata lagi.
Dengan begitu.. mata loe nggak akan merah lagi.

Sekarang, gue saranin loe pake Ageha Japan Softlens yang 3 warna: model Lunatia (warna abu-abu)
Kenapa? Ya kenapa nggak?
Loe bener-bener akan melihat perubahan begitu pake softlens 3 warna ini.. walopun loe lagi nggak dandan, loe akan tetep keliatan segara dan keren.

Dan kalo loe itu orang panggung atau sering ada di depan kamera, softlens 3 warna ini bener-bener akan mempertajam mata loe dan keliatan lebih bersinar. Susah sik gue ngejelasinnya dengan kata-kata. Mending gue tunjukin pake video aja yaaa.. ada videonya di bawah ini nanti.
Walaupun kata pihak Ageha Japan Softlens, tipe Lunatia ini adalah tipe 4 warna, tapi kalo menurut gw sik ini 3 warna.

Ageha Lunatia ini tersedia 4 warna: Coklat, Hijau, Aqua Blue, dan Abu-abu.
Tapi gue saranin banget-banget loe coba yang warna Grey atau abu-abu. Dengan milih warna ini, sebetulnya sama aja loe seolah-olah punya beberapa warna

Selain warna abu-abu, di pencahayaan yang berbeda, kadang2 mata loe nanti keliatan kayak berwarna biru. Kadang-kadang keliatan berwarna ijo, dan kadang-kadang keliatan kayak coklat (ini cuman kalo loe lagi foto Selfie dan cahayanya jelek banget)

Beberapa info mengenai Ageha Lunatia Japan Softlens in Grey:
Price: Rp182,000
Available range from Normal to -8.00
Diameter 16.0mm
Can be used for 6 months
Base Curve 8.8mm
Water Content 45%

Beli dimana?
Loe bisa beli softlens ini di websitenya Ageha Japan Softlens dan mereka juga ngejual softlens ini ke luar negri juga. Silahkan klik disini kalo mau order. Dan jangan lupa untuk register dulu ya jadi member supaya bisa dapet keuntungan lainnya.

Terus.. terus.. terus.. ini dia video review gue yaaa… sampek ketemu di postingan gue berikutnya yaaaa.. Chiaoooo….

Friday, December 20, 2013


[Sponsored Post by Ageha Japan Softlens]

I'm a kind of person who really believe that the center of beauty comes from the eyes. It's the window to our soul, our heart, our mood, our brain..

That is why most of the time I always focus on intensify the eyes everytime I'm doing my makeup or someone's makeup. And then BOOM! Your look changed dramatically..

The other way to have a different dramatic look is by changing your eye color. And trust me.. this has been done successfully by most of Asian women. As we know that Asian only has 2 colors for the eyes: Black or Dark Brown. Mine is dark brown. And as a person who really love to have different thing in everything.. having colored eyes always cross in my mind. And Coloured Softlens / Contact Lens was a very great invention!

Nope.. it's not my picture down here. Although it would be a great honour for me if you have that thought :P

Ok.. back to…. me!
I'm not that lucky like any other girl or woman out there who can easily pick any kind of coloured softlens and lay it onto the eyes. And am looking for some friends in common here.. coz I'm gonna share you my solution about this, ladies.. 

So… you can just nod if you're having this situation like me:

1. Having bad asthma -- which my bad asthma really affect my eyes. They become red easily everytime I'm not in a good condition, too tired, being in a very cold room.. Ouuw.. I don't heart you, naughty asthma!

2. Having dry eyes 

3. Having sensitive eyes -- I suspect this was caused by my naughty asthma. I'm allergic to coloring material from certain softlens. I suffered infected red eyes for 2 months from Korean Softlens. Poor pretty Yonna :(

4. Having headache after using glasses for half day -- and I'm telling you that this was not because wrong prescription. It was like the bridge of my nose would start falling down..and then the burden moved to my head..and then came the headache. And it was not because the frame was too heavy, I'm telling you.. This naughty headache was just….. there for some reason :(

5. Having heavy activity so you have to stay away from home during the day -- running here and there. Having meeting here and there. Mommy duties here and there. You have to jump. You have to run. You have to tumble. You have no time for checking on 5 hours softlens using then take it off..

If you do have these kind of situations like I do… then we can dance hooray together my pwetty friends… Because.. Ageha Japan Softlens comes to the rescueeee…. Teeeheeeeee….

You won't feel a thing once you have this friendly softlens in your eyes..
You won't scare little children with your red eyes..
You don't have to use mirror screen protector for your handphone to make it easier for you to check your eyes.. (uh-hu.. I did that I swear..)
You won't need any eyedrop while using this little pretty buddy
You don't have to worry for 6 MONTHS!!
You can buy a pair of softlens in different range (I'm having different range in minus between my left and right eyes)

Why you won't feel a thing like there's nothing inside your eyes
From my unprofessional point of view.. I believe it's because this softlens is so soft. Felt like gel. I think it's related with their raw material. I won't make you dizzy by mentioning all the materials.

And the shape.. It's so perfect then it just embrace your eyes directly once you put it there.

Why you won't scare little children with your red eyes..
Simply because you won't have red eyes with this soft lens. That's my best unprofessional opinion :P
Simply because the water content is only 45%. The lower the better. It means this softlens won't need much water which it will get from your eyes.

Then by this.. it will not drain your eyes. 
Then by this.. you won't need any eyedrop at all.

Now, I recommend you to use 3 colours softlens from Ageha Japan Softlens: Lunatia in Grey
Why? the answer is why not.. 
You'll get a total makeover just by using this softlens.. even when you're not with your make up, you'll still look chic and fresh.

And if you're a stage person or camera person, then this kind of softlens will really intensify and brighten up your eyes. It's hard for me to explain it by words. Lemme just show it to you thru my video down there..

Although stated by Ageha that this is a 4 colours softlens, my opinion is this is a 3 colours softlens.

There are 4 colours for Ageha Lunatia: Brown, Green, Aqua Blue, and Grey.
But I strongly suggest you to try Grey colour. By choosing this colour, basically you'll get the effect of multi colour.

Beside grey colour, at some different lighting, you'll get your eyes look blueish.. sometimes greenish, and sometimes brown (this brown only appear if you're doing selfie picture in very poor lighting)

Here are some facts about Ageha Lunatia Japan Softlens in Grey:
Price: Rp182,000
Available range from Normal to -8.00
Diameter 16.0mm
Can be used for 6 months
Base Curve 8.8mm
Water Content 45%

Where to buy?
You can buy this softlens from Ageha Japan's Softlens website and they're also selling the softlens worldwide. You can click here if you want to order. And please make sure you register as a member first to get more benefits..

And here's the video of my review.. :) And.. till we meet again on my next post. Chiaoo...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(Unprofessional) Review & Makeup Tutorial: More Palette by Demi Moore

Finally I'm back again..
Managed to kick off all of the chores.
Managed to kick off 8kgs of fats.. woohhoooww… am slimming down babyyy…

Have you bought this gorgeous palette by Demi Moore? If you have and you don't know how to use it.. no worry indeed my dear, coz I'll come to you with another 2 or 3 makeup tutorial for this palette.

Meanwhile.. please enjoy the first one.

Ooww.. before I forget.. If you feel like buying the Oriflame Products I used in this video, please feel free to click:

And the products I used in this video:

Oriflame Ever Lasting Foundation in Porcelain Colour (24916)
Studio Artist Concealer in Light Colour (23051)
Foundation brush: Real Techniques Buffing Brush
More Palette by Demi Moore from Oriflame 25073
Studio Artist Gel Liner 26531
Contour: Oriflame Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearl in Natural Bronze (21633)
Lip Pencil: Oriflame Wonder Colour Lip Liner in Real Red (24038)
Loose Powder: Oriflame Studio Artist Loose Powder 24079